Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Adoration or Delusion?

So I didn't intend to write about this ever, but it kinda stuck in my subconscious even before my first post. Even when I was raging about how love has brought pain to my friends, I still couldn't understand the feeling of adoration they have (or had, as the case may be) for these guys. Despite, the intentional misdeeds and maltreatment, it occurred to me that these people would still forgive and accept them if they were begged or serenaded long /well enough. Their only escape was to run, block all form of contact, maintain a lot of distance and find a rebound ASAP. For the life of me, I do not understand why you would still accept or bear the source of your pain. Fine, maybe that person was the source of your happiness, but if the pain and sorrow are a constant routine, then let go. The world won't end, and you'll be able to find something better.

I've spoken to many people in this situation, and when I ask why they don't do anything about their maltreatment, they all fall silent. I begin to wonder if they even know why they bear the bullshit, because I refuse to call such a thing love. I've noticed another thing about people in such situations; they convince themselves that things or that person will change. Depending on how one sees it, such a mentality is either hope or delusion. Take for example,  you know your gf is cheating on you. You nab her and she begs your forgiveness. That's all well and good, but you know there's no guarantee it won't happen again. So what next? You hope it doesn't? When or where do you draw the line to your limit of taking BS in the name of "Love"? I really don't know.....

It's synonymous with EVERY single person I know that they only ended their relationships because they were forced to, not because they wanted to. They were all willing to bear it all, no matter what form of complaint they made; to me, such noise is similar to the roar of a fangless, pawless lion. I asked what was so special about the loved ones, and there was nothing. Nothing! Imagine? Basically, it was simply the love that kept them there, oh yeah, and the hope that those people will change. Wake the fuck up!!

If you know your worth and you aren't getting it in return, BOUNCE! If you put your significant other first, and it isn't reciprocated, then guess what? You aren't significant to the other person. If being trampled on physically, mentally or emotionally, pick yourself up. If you're being taken for granted, don't take yourself and your happiness for granted, not for anybody. I've said it before and I'll say it again: Love is NEVER enough; If it were, we wouldn't have so many frequent break-ups or divorces. I'll discuss this further in another blog, trust me. I'm also speaking from experience; I've been maltreated, hurt, betrayed, name it. I had to realize that no one is worth the sacrifice if that person can't even recognize it, talk more of acknowledging it, or better yet, showing gratitude for it.

I saw this statement in a manga,'Admiration is the emotion furthest from comprehension'. If love robs you of all reason or logic, then it's pure, unadulterated Obsession to me. Think about it, if you can manage to separate your thoughts from your "love" lol.


1 comment:

  1. this is a sexy piece, buh y do i feel lyk i know smtns nt ryt???????
